Dear Valued Partner,
We’ve made applying for food-related permits easier and more convenient for you. Here’s what you need to know to start using our improved system:
What you need to do:
1. Visit and create an account or log in using UAE PASS. 2. Select one of the following permit services: · Approval of design layout for food establishments · Permits for food activities at events, food trucks, kiosks, or vending machines · Permits for non-halal food activities · Permits for food safety trainers or training centres 3. Submit your application by following the simple, step-by-step process. 4. Receive updates on your application status by email or SMS.
How this benefits you and your business:
· Simplified process: A user-friendly, step-by-step design makes applying quick and easy. · Instant validation: Avoid delays with automated checks on key application details. · Faster approvals: Instant issuance for low-risk applications, like vending machines. · Fully digitised processing: Easy online application and approval for design layouts of food establishments.
Important deadline: Starting 20 December 2024, permit applications will no longer be accepted through Foodwatch. To avoid disruptions, we recommend transitioning to the new platform immediately.
Your success is important to us, so please share any comments or concerns and we will continue to improve our services to save you time and effort.
If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact us at or call 800900.
Thank you for your continued partnership.
Best Regards, Dubai Municipality
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q1: What will happen to my pending applications on Foodwatch? Q2: How do I access the updated permit services? Q3: Can I log in using my Foodwatch account? Q4: What types of permits are now available on the Dubai Municipality website? · Food activity permits for events · Annual permits for food kiosks or food trucks · Vending machine permits · School supply permits · Non-halal food activity permits · Food safety trainer or training centre permits Please note that the “temporary change in label” permits will still be available on Foodwatch until further notice. Q5: Where can I find information about permit requirements? Q6: How can I track requests submitted on the Dubai Municipality website? You will receive status updates via SMS and email to keep you informed about your application's progress.
شريكنا العزيز،
لقد جعلنا التقديم على التصاريح المتعلقة بالأغذية أسهل وأكثر ملاءمة لك. إليك ما تحتاج إلى معرفته لبدء استخدام نظامنا المطوّر:
ما عليك القيام به:
1. تفضل بزيارة وأَنشِئ حساباً أو سجل الدخول باستخدام الهوية الرقمية (UAE PASS). 2 اختر إحدى خدمات التصاريح التالية: -اعتماد مخطط التصميم لمؤسسة غذائية -تصاريح لأنشطة متعلقة بالأغذية في الفعاليات أو عربات الطعام أو الأكشاك أو آلات البيع -تصاريح الأنشطة الغذائية غير الحلال -تصاريح لمدربي سلامة الأغذية أو مراكز التدريب 3. قدم طلبك باتباع العملية البسيطة والمفصلة خطوة بخطوة. 4. تلقي تحديثات عن حالة طلبك عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو الرسائل النصية القصيرة.
كيف يفيدك هذا ويعود بالنفع على عملك:
· عملية مبسطة: تصميم سهل الاستخدام وخطوات واضحة تجعل التقديم سريعاً وسهلاً. · التحقق الفوري: تجنب التأخير من خلال التحقق الآلي من تفاصيل الطلب الرئيسة. · موافقات أسرع: إصدار فوري للتطبيقات منخفضة المخاطر، مثل آلات البيع. · معالجة رقمية بالكامل: سهولة تقديم الطلبات واعتمادها عبر الإنترنت لتصميم مخططات المنشآت الغذائية.
موعد نهائي مهم: اعتبارًا من20 ديسمبر 2024، لن يتم قبول طلبات التصاريح من خلال نظام فوود ووتش (Foodwatch) بعد الآن. ولتجنب أي انقطاع، نوصي بالانتقال إلى المنصة الجديدة على الفور.
نجاحك مهم بالنسبة لنا، لذا يرجى مشاركة أي تعليقات أو استفسارات وسنواصل تحسين خدماتنا لتوفير الوقت والجهد عليك.
إذا كان لديك المزيد من الأسئلة أو كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة، يُرجى الاتصال بنا على أو الاتصال بالرقم 800900.
شكرًا لك على شراكتك المستمرة.
أطيب التحيات،
الأسئلة الشائعة: السؤال الأول: ما الذي سيحدث لطلباتي المعلقة على موقع فوود ووتش Foodwatch؟ ستتم معالجة طلباتك المُعلقة دون انقطاع، وإذا كنت مؤهلاً ستحصل على تصريحك. السؤال الثاني: كيف يمكنني الوصول إلى خدمات التصاريح المُحدثة؟ تفضل بزيارة موقع بلدية دبي الإلكتروني للوصول إلى طلبات التصاريح الخاصة بك وتقديمها. السؤال الثالث: هل يمكنني تسجيل الدخول باستخدام حساب فوود ووتش Foodwatch الخاص بي؟ لا، لا يمكن استخدام حساب فوود ووتش Foodwatch الخاص بك على الموقع الإلكتروني لبلدية دبي. سيتعين عليك إنشاء حساب جديد على الموقع أو تسجيل الدخول باستخدام الهوية الرقمية UAE PASS. السؤال الرابع: ما هي أنواع التصاريح المتاحة الآن على موقع بلدية دبي الإلكتروني؟ يمكنك طلب التصاريح التالية على · تصاريح الأنشطة الغذائية للفعاليات · التصاريح السنوية لأكشاك الطعام أو عربات الطعام · تصاريح آلات البيع · تصاريح التوريدات المدرسية · تصاريح الأنشطة الغذائية غير الحلال · تصاريح مدربي سلامة الأغذية أو تصاريح مراكز التدريب يُرجى ملاحظة أن تصاريح "التغيير المؤقت في التسمية" ستظل متاحة على موقع فوود ووتش Foodwatch حتى إشعار آخر. السؤال الخامس: أين أجد معلومات عن متطلبات التصاريح؟ جميع شروط الخدمة متاحة في صفحة الخدمة على الموقع الإلكتروني لبلدية دبي. نوصي بمراجعتها قبل تقديم الطلب للتأكد من استيفاء جميع المعايير اللازمة. السؤال السادس: كيف يمكنني تتبع الطلبات على الموقع الإلكتروني؟ سوف تتلقى تحديثات الحالة عبر الرسائل النصية القصيرة والبريد الإلكتروني لاطلاعك على تقدم طلبك.
We are available Monday to Thursday (7:00 AM-4:00 PM) and Friday (7:30 AM-1:30 PM)
You can mail us at
Contact number +971 4 521 8931.
Foodwatch Al Kifaf Center is open from Monday to Thursday from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Friday from 7:30 AM- 1:30 PM
FoodWatch Support Videos
Food Safety Management - Manage System
FoodWatch Inspection – Platform
Foodwatch Inspection - Application
How to send training requests for PIC and Food handler
How to link an existing PIC to your Business
How to add food to Food Information
Foodwatch Training
All PICs are invited to join our online training sessions, please check the below online training schedule:
Training Date | Topic | Time | Training Link |
20/01/2025 | Business and User Registration Account on Foodwatch and Food Safety Management- Manage People and Manage Supplier | 11:00am-12:00nn | Join the training |
22/01/2025 | Foodwatch Inspection (Start Up, Process Check, Equipment Check and Food Delivery Check) and Pending Action | 11:00am-12:00nn | Join the training |
24/01/2025 | Food Safety Training Request, Food Transportation Vehicle and How to pay Foodwatch annual fee | 11:00am-12:00nn | Join the training |
Free Online Learning Modules for Food Safety
Take benefit of the free online training materials from Dubai Municipality. Just click on the modules to learn more.
Training Program for Food Handlers
Food handlers can take free online learning now through the links below.
Module 1: Introduction Personal Hygiene (English/ Arabic/ Urdu/ Malayalam)
Module 2: Introduction to Food Hazards and Control Measures (English/ Arabic/ Urdu/ Malayalam)
Module 3: Introduction to Supplier Management (English/ Arabic/ Urdu/ Malayalam)
Module 4: Introduction to Pest Management (English/ Arabic/ Urdu/ Malayalam)
Module 5: Food Safety Critical Control Points (English/ Arabic/ Urdu/ Malayalam)
Module 6: Egg Safety
Training For Person-in-Charge (PIC)
Module 1: Introduction to digital documentation of food safety using Foodwatch
Module 2: How can a Person in Charge Manage and Verify Safety of Delivery Vehicles
Training Program for Food Delivery Personnel
Food delivery personnel free online learning now through the links below.
Module 1: Introduction Personal Hygiene
Module 2: Introduction to Food Hazards and Control Measures
Module 3: Introduction to Food Suppliers and Requirements for Safe Delivery of Foods
Module 4: Precautions for ensuring safety of delivery bikes- Demo Video
Module 5: How can a Person in Charge Manage and Verify Safety of Delivery Vehicles
Updates in Guidelines to Dealing with Surplus Foods and Meals
Last updated on 09 January 2023, 13:00 hrs
Guideline in Arabic
Updates in Requirements for Integrated Training Management System for Food Establishments
Last updated on 02 January 2023, 08:00 hrs
Requirements for Integrated Training Management System for Food Establishments
Updates in Requirements for Food Transportation and Delivery Vehicles
Last updated on 29 November 2022
Requirements for Food Transportation and Delivery Vehicles
Guidelines in English and Arabic.
Updates in Requirements Related to Wearing of Masks
Last updated on 11 November 2022, 11:00 hrs
Further to the changes in the Covid-19 precautionary measures, staff serving food to customers in restaurants, coffee shop etc. are not required to wear a mask.
Updates in Requirements Related to Wearing of Masks
Last updated on 01 October 2022, 19:50 hrs
“Further to the changes in the Covid-19 precautionary measures, staff serving food to customers in restaurants, coffee shops, etc. are required to wear a mask."
عطفا على التغييرات في التدابير الاحترازية لـكوفيد19:
لبس الكمامة الزامي للعاملين الذين يقدمون الأطعمة للزبائن في المطاعم والمقاهي وغيرها .
Updates in Requirements Related to Wearing of Masks
Last updated on 30 September 2022, 18:30 hrs
In line with the decisions adopted by National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management
Authority, please be informed of the following:
- This circular cancels all previous circulars in terms of Covid19 restrictions
- Food service staff (waiters and waitresses) who serve food to customers are required to wear masks.
Guidelines to all the Grease Trap Cleaning Company for maintaining and cleaning grease traps, and transporting the waste to the grease trap waste recycling plant (Arabic & English), the sizing methodology, and the sizing calculator
To all grease trap cleaning companies see below the guideline links for maintaining and cleaning grease traps, and transporting the waste to the grease trap waste recycling plant (Arabic & English), the sizing methodology, and the sizing calculator.
Guideline (Arabic):
Guideline (English):
Grease Trap Sizing Methodology:
Grease Trap Size Calculator:
Updates in Requirements Linked to Capacity and Social Distancing
Last updated on 25 February 2022, 17:30 hrs
In line with the decision of the Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management, the capacity restrictions on food establishments have now been removed. Food establishments can return to pre-COVID 19 conditions with 100% capacity. Note that conditions related to the wearing of mask and disinfection protocols remain unchanged.
Sheesha cafes can return to 100% capacity with strict adherence to the standards of the Federal Tobacco Control Law (2 square meters per person in the smoking area).
Updates in Requirements for Social Distancing
Last updated on 3 November 2021, 19:30 hrs
The social distancing between individuals has been reduced from 2 M to 1 M.
Distance between tables and chairs in restaurants can be reduced to meet the revised requirements.
Updates in Protocols for Food Service Businesses (Restaurants, Cafeteria, Coffee Shops) and Shisha Cafe
Last updated on 12 August 2021, 08:00 hrs
The Supreme Committee for Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management in the Emirate of Dubai has updated the preventive measures to be followed for COVID-19. Starting from 12th August 2021 the following changes apply:
- Distance between tables can be decreased from 2 m to 1.5 m
- Return to pre-pandemic operational hours
Other regulations and restrictions on food sampling and tasting, sushi conveyors etc remain unchanged until further notice.
Updates in protocols for Food Service Businesses and Shisha Cafe
Last updated on 17 May, 2021, 14:00 hrs
The Supreme Committee for Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management in the Emirate of Dubai has updated the preventive measures to be followed for COVID-19. Starting from 17th May, 2021 the following changes apply:
- Increase seating capacity on single table to 10 person in restaurants and 6 person in shisha cafes
- Maintain 2 meter distance between tables at all times
- Restaurants, cafes and shisha cafes to close by 1.00 AM for service. Take-away and home delivery operations can remain open after this time.
Partitions cannot be used as an alternative for spacing between the tables.
Ramadan Specific Information for Food Service Businesses and Shisha Cafe
Last updated on 13 April 2021, 16:00 hrs
Further to the memo from the Dubai Economy (DED) dated 12 April 2021, dine-in facilities in food establishments can remain open during the holy month of Ramadan. Additional permits are not required to offer dine-in, take-away, and home delivery services.
Dine-in areas can remain open without additional screens and curtains.
Outdoor seating areas should remain closed for service until iftar time.
Shisha cafés should remain closed until the iftar time.
There are no changes in the closing times. All food businesses and shisha cafés must close at 4 am.
Take-away, drive-through, and delivery services can be continued.
Restaurant Closure Time
Last updated on 09 April 2021
Restaurants, cafe's are required to close dine-in services at 4.00 am.
Take-away, drive-through, and delivery services can be continued.
Social distancing requirement of 3 meters between tables remains unchanged.
Shisha cafe's must close at 4:00 am.
Circular Number 45, Version 7 has been released for Food Establishments
Last updated on 24 January 2021
Circular number 45 has been revised with changes in the following:
- Table to table distance for dine in facilities have to be maintained at 3 M. The distance has to be measured from the edge of one table to the other. The use of physical barroers and separators will not serve as an alternative for distance between the table.
- Maximum number of guests in a table must be limited to 7 per table.
For further details, visit the website of Dubai Municipality
Circular Number 45, Version 3 has been released for Food Establishments
Last updated on 24 September 2020
Circular number 45 has been revised with changes in the following:
- Table to table distance for dine in facilities have to be maintained at 2 M. Physical barriers can be used when distance cannot be maintained.
- Maximum number of guests in a table must be limited to 8 per table. Do not keep large tables together.
Check the Foodwatch Messenger for more details.
New Requirements for Sale and Display of Defrosted Chicken
Last updated on 12 August 2020
Supermarkets and Departmental Stores are required to strictly follow the below instructions from Food Safety Department in Dubai Municipality
- In case of displaying/ selling pieces or parts of defrosted chicken (marinated or not marinated), there should be a clear and legible label on the package or the display area clearly stating that the product was ‘Defrosted’ and the declaration must be made in Arabic & English.
- It`s prohibited to display or sell whole chicken that has been defrosted
- There should be complete segregation in the display chiller between the defrosted chicken items and the fresh chicken items that have been locally produced or imported.
- A sign board with (Defrosted items should not be refreezed) should be fixed in the display area for defrosted chicken.
- PIC`s should assure that the establishment will not receive nor handle any defrosted chicken items which is not meeting the above mentioned requirements.
Updates on Requirements of Food and Beverage Outlets -4
Last updated on 19 June 2020
The Food Safety Department has updated the following requirements:
- Food service business can now use traditional plates, glassware, cutlery and utensils after effective cleaning and disinfection using methods recommeded in the Food Code. Use of disposable plates, cups etc are no longer mandatory.
- Buffet services can be opened in food service business with restrictions. Food must be served by the service staff and beverages must be served on the tables. Customers should follow social distancing requirements while queuing and shall not be allowed to touch any common utensils.
Updates on Requirements of Food and Beverage Outlets -3
Last updated on 15 June 2020
The Food Safety Department has updated the following requirements:
- Food service business can now use traditional plates, cutlery and utensils after effective cleaning and disinfection using methods recommeded in the Food Code.
- Seating capacity must be maintained with social distancing rules in place. Any two customers who are not from the same household or family must be seated at a distance of 2 M between each person.
- Distance between two tables can be reduced if physical separators are used. Such separtors must be installed in a way that it provides complete physical barrier between the individuals seated on the different tables. The separators must be of appropriate height to fully separate customers seated in two different tables.
Updates on Requirements of Food and Beverage Outlets -2
Last updated on 28 May 2020
The Food Safety Department has updated the following:
- Food and beverage outlets can function in their full capacity with social distancing measures in place.
- Dine-in permits are not required for restaurants.
- Stand-alone food and beverage outlets and outlets in hotels can now allow entry of children from all age groups and also individuals older than 60 years. The restrictions for this age group still apply for the outlets inside malls.
- Follow the opening and closing times provided as a part of the National Sterilization Program
- Caterers that supply to floating restaurants and cruises can resume operations.
For further details, refer to the memo dated 26 May 2020. The latest circulars are posted here.
Updates on Requirements of Food and Beverage Outlets -1
Last updated on 26 May 2020
The Food Safety Department has updated the following:
- Food and beverage outlets can function in their full capacity with social distancing measures in place.
- Dine-in permits are not required for restaurants.
- Age restrictions still apply for entry to food and beverage outlets. Children between the age of 3-12 and gusts older than 60 are in the restricted category.
- Follow the opening and closing times provided as a part of the National Sterlization Program
For further details, refer to the memo dated 26 May 2020. Latest circulars are posted here.
Dine-in :Timing Restrictions for Restaurants
Last updated on 19 May 2020
The Food Safety Department has updated the timings allowed for restaurants for dine-in customers. From the 20th of May 2020, Dine-in must be completely closed at 7:00 PM. However, take-away and home delivery services can continue with necessary precautions in place.
Dine-in Permits Open for Restaurants
26 April 2020
Restaurants that have indoor dining area can now offer dine-in facilities to customers. Check the dine-in permits page for more details.
To find more about Dubai Municipality's food safety requirements,